Complexity - Easy and hard problems

4 important questions on Complexity - Easy and hard problems

Describe a hard problem

A problem for which no efficient algorithm exists to solve an arbitrary instance to optimality. (Parallel machine scheduling problem)

What are [3] ways to determine heurisitcs solution quality?

  • Compare lower and upper bounds
  • Emperical analysis
  • Worst-case analysis

What is a way to compare lower and upper bounds?

Integrality gap
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Give the definition of a p heuristic (use heuristic A to describe the p heuristic)

Heuristic A is a p-heuristic when it gives a solution UB(A,I) for any instance I that is no more than p times the optimal solution value OPT(I)

UB(A,I) =< p * OPT(I)

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