Socio Technical Design Theory - Artikel Gronouwe et al - Towards emancipation through organizational design?

4 important questions on Socio Technical Design Theory - Artikel Gronouwe et al - Towards emancipation through organizational design?

In the article of Gronouwe et al critical management studies, which aim to free workers from oppressions, review emancipatory projects and reflect on this regarding STSD. What is meant by emancipation in this article?

This article refers to emancipation as a continuous process of intrinsic characteristics of people and how these are facilitated by organizations.

Stated differently: process that does justice to human consciousness in terms of autonomy, creativity, participation etc. It refers to a process in which there are no unnecessary restrictive traditions and ideologies, power relations that constraint human consciousness.

What is the overlap between CMS and STSD? And what is the major difference?

They have a common purpose: they want to increase creativity and autonomy in organizations and they are both critical at traditional theories, since they restrict autonomy and creativity of workers.

The major difference is that CMS is broader than STSD. CMS has a broader understanding of what aspects of organizations could influence autonomy, creativity and STSD only focuses on structural causes.

What are the three types of emancipatory projects distinguished in the article of Gronouwe et al?

- Questioning; dominant form of thinking without proposing something new.
- Incremental; focus on some form of liberation (partial liberation)
- Utopian; completely new way of thinking
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How does IOR move beyond instrumentalism?

By focussing on quality of work separately, as an end.

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