Flat organizations - Lesaantekeningen

3 important questions on Flat organizations - Lesaantekeningen

What is the difference between Martela's definition of organizations and our definition of organizations, also including task division and allocation.

Our definition of organizations: organizations are a network of executed tasks related to an order.

Martela's definition: organizations are multiagent systems with identifiable boundaries that strive for achieving goals towards individual actors need to contribute.

In this course we distinguish activities and tasks, and Martela starts already at the task level. Besides our definition of an organization is structure-related whereas Martela is more broad by indicating goals, individual actors. In the universal problems, also provision of information and reward are included.

What is your conclusion when comparing the universal challenges of Martela and parameters?

The universal problems of Martela are more broad and more a starting point from which parameters can be derived.

What is the difference between Thompson and SMO's?

Thompson is more about the technical core and not so much about decentralization.

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