Socio Technical Design Theory - Assignment

4 important questions on Socio Technical Design Theory - Assignment

What is the relation between the structural parameters and the variables of De sitter?

De Sitter argues a good organizational structure scores as low as possible on the seven parameters. He argues that a good organizational structure increases the three variables, because the number of interactions are decreased and simplified (so, less disturbances), and the autonomy of tasks is increased. This decrease of probability of disturbances and increase of autonomy relates the parameters to the variables.

Evaluate STSD by De Sitter based on pragmatic validity.

- Propositional theory: he discusses what an organization should do. However, it is not clear how an organization can apply it due to lack of design knowledge.
- Visual; draws how organizational structures should look like
- Narrative is debatable; in the original book of De Sitter he gives a lot of examples, but in the book of Achterbergh & Vriens a few illustrative examples are given. So then its (+/-)

What are the benefits and drawbacks of De Sitter's theory?

- good systematically developed theory on structure and outcomes

- LPV are not always attainable
-Abstract theory
- It's about structure and outcomes, but not about all variations in outcome that can be related to the structure
- Its all about improving HVP (reducing high parameter value into lower parameter values), but not about improving LVP's.
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Van Strien distinguishes three different theories: abstract, problem and context. What is the difference between those, also in relation when you need scientific empirical evidence?

Abstract theories are e.g. System theories which are applicable to almost all systems.

Problem theories are e.g. Organizational design, which are applicable to a specific category of systems.

Context related theories are applicable to a specific context.

The more specific a theory becomes, the more it relies on a specific context, including empirical information. Therefore, it can be stated that no empirical information is needed for abstract theories. Thompson and De Sitter are problem oriented, but rely heavily on the abstract side. However, Lean management is also problem theory, but relies more on the context side.

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