Artikel Mintzberg Structure in 5's

13 important questions on Artikel Mintzberg Structure in 5's

What are the three steps how we can move from activities and choices towards a framework according to Mintzberg?

1. Decontextualize system elements --> parameters (make it more general).
2. Names and labels
3. External fit.

Mintzberg elaborates on four elements which occur in every configuration in a particular manner. What are these elements (also called ingredients)?

1) Parts of the organization
2) Coordination mechanisms
3) Design parameters
4) Contingency factors

What are the parts of the organization as described by Mintzberg? Also elaborate on the difference

Every organization consists of a:

- Strategic apex; top management and their personal staff
- Middle management; managers who sit in a direct line of formal authority and their personal staff.
- Operational core; employees who directly produce the products and services of the organization (output).
- Technostructure; employees (analysts), out of the formal line structure, who apply analytical techniques to design and if necessary adapt the organizational structure. E.g. Accountants, work schedulers, long-range planners etc.
- Support staff; employees that provide indirect support to the rest of the organization, .e.g. Legal counsel, public relations, payroll etc.
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Elaborate on the ingredient design parameters

- What are those?
- What parameters did Mintzberg develop?

Design parameters are the buttons you can push to tune the organization.

Mintzberg developed 9 design parameters which are grouped and discussed below.

Design of position
D1: Job specialization (horizontal vs vertical)
D2: Training and indoctrination
D3: Formalization of behavior

Design superstructure
D4: Unit grouping (functional vs market)
D5: Unit size

Design lateral linkages
D6: Planning and control systems
D7: Liaison device

Design decision-making mechanisms
D8: Decentralization (horizontal vs vertical) 

Which parameter is the chief parameter to determine division of labour?

Job specialization

Regarding the group design parameters 'design for position'; what's the difference between job specialization, formalization of behavior and training and indoctrination?

Job specialization = Job specialization concerns the number of tasks and task breadth. High specialized jobs both horizontally and vertically are called unskilled, and specialized horizontally but enlarged vertically are professional.

Formalization of behavior = the extend to which work processes are standardized through rules, procedures policies, job descriptions etc.

Training and indoctrination = the extend to which skills and knowledge are standardized through extensive educational programs.

Regarding the group design superstructure, what's the difference between unit grouping and unit size?

Unit grouping = how different groups are linked together --> functional vs market.

Unit size = number of positions. What's large and small is not discussed in theory. 

Regarding the group design lateral linkages, what's the difference between planning & control systems and liaison devices?

Lateral linkages is about how different large capacities are connected to each other.
Planning and control systems = design parameters by which outputs are standardized in the organization.

- Action planning; predetermination of outputs of specific decisions

- Performance control; after-the-fact measurement of performance of all decisions or actions of a given position.

Liaison devices = means by which the organization encourages mutual adjustment across units. Its about the informational connections between departments.

Regarding the group design decision-making mechanisms, the parameters decentralization is discussed. Elaborate on this design parameter.

Decentralization is about the extend to which power over decision-making in the organization is dispersed among its members. There are two different groups:
- Vertical decentralization; extend to which formal decision-making is delegated downwards within the chain of line authority.
- Horizontal decentralization; the extend to which power flows informally outside the chain of line authority.

The fourth ingredient of organizations as discussed by Mintzberg are the contingency factors. What are these and which four does he distinguish?

Contingency factors (letterlijk vertaling: onzekerheidsfactoren) are elements outside of the configuration which influence the choice in design parameters. The four contingency factors distinguished are:
1. Age/size
2. Technical system, e.g. The more regulating a technical system, the more formalized the work.
3. Environment, e.g. Dynamic environments have mostly organic structures and complex environments decentralized structures.
4. Power, e.g. External control increases formalization and centralization. The power relation defineswhich configuration is successful.

It is doubtful whether there is a 6th configuration. Describe the possible 6th configuration.

The 6th configuration relies on coordination of socialization, including standardization of norms, indoctrination as main parameter and ideologies in sense of mission.

Describe the five configurations based on the differences among the coordination mechanisms, design parameters and contingency factors.

Zie afbeelding.

What is meant with limited diversity in Mintzberg's theory?

Limited diversity reflects that just some combinations work in reality to achieve organizational effectiveness. You first have to assess the external fit, then the internal fit, and then you come up with one of the five configurations, which together reflect limited diversity: although the numerous combinations which are possible, some work for organizational effectiveness and some don't. The some who work are reflected by the 5 configurations.

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