Socio Technical Design Theory - Boek Achterbergh & Vriens, De Sitter - Socio Technical Design Theory - Organizational structure

7 important questions on Socio Technical Design Theory - Boek Achterbergh & Vriens, De Sitter - Socio Technical Design Theory - Organizational structure

What is an organizational structure according to De Sitter, what does it influence and what is an adequate structure?

An organizational structure is the way activities are grouped and coupled into a network of tasks, related to order flows. (in order to create viable organizations)

The way this is done influences the probability of disturbances and the way individual work stations can deal with disturbances (regulatory potential).

An adequate structure aims at (attenuate) minimum disturbances and (amplify) maximum autonomy / regulatory potential by an alternative way of dividing activities into a set of tasks for work stations.

What does De Sitter mean with cybernetically sound organizational structure?

An organizational structure that attenuates disturbances and amplifies regulatory potential.

What is a disturbance? And what is meant by dispersion?

A disturbance is an event that occurs which might cause change in the variable value.

Dispersion is the degree to which a disturbance occurs somewhere in the network, affecting other tasks.
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On what four elements does the probability of disturbance depends?

1. Number of relations of the task
2. Variability of the relations (when the relation is more variable, more different things, then the chance something goes wrong increases)
3. Nature of the environment changes (when the environment is harder to predict, then the probability disturbances arise will increase)
4. Specificity of norms regarding output and the way tasks should be carried out --> the more specific the norms, the less freedom to deal with output variations.

An organizational structure is the way activities are grouped and coupled into a network of tasks, related to order flows. Define the following terms:
- Transformation
- Task
- Transformation process

A transformation is the change of variables from a begin stage to an end stage.

A task is realizing the end stage by performing a particular transformation process.

Transformation process; decomposition int sub-transformationprocesses by parts (desired effects between) and by aspects (desired effects of the whole)

The result of a decomposition is the set of sub-transformations that are building blocks for assembling tasks. Such groups can be assigned to operational units at different levels.

What determines the effectiveness of a task

The extend to which a specific type of transformation is included into a task.

Note that all transformations include an operational and regulatory aspect.

The reasoning of De Sitter is that when you get rid of the functional structure, you can increase controllability. What is meant by the term controllability?

This is the ratio between control demands and control options. So, you have to increase regulatory potential and decrease control demands for a better ratio. This concept is important for the relation between structure and outcomes.

It indicates organizational structure should attenuate and amplify regarding disturbances. This expresses effectiveness and efficiency.

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