Socio Technical Design Theory - Boek Achterbergh & Vriens, De Sitter - Socio Technical Design Theory

4 important questions on Socio Technical Design Theory - Boek Achterbergh & Vriens, De Sitter - Socio Technical Design Theory

Dividing activities over tasks in particular ways influence the amount of interactions needed to perform (structural complexity, potential disturbances) and autonomy and process oversight (regulatory capacity). What are the three outcome variables of De Sitter? Also elaborate on them briefly.

1. Quality of work - this refers to the human-side, considering meaningful jobs, work relations and stress.
2. Quality of organization - this refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization regarding realizing and adapting goals (realizing a societal contribution)
3. Quality of working relations - this refers to effective communication in the organization.

De Sitter distinguishes external and internal functional requirements for organizational variables. What is the general difference and how do these relate to the variables?

External functional requirements are requirements set by the business environment.

Internal functional requirements are requirements which should be met by the organization in order to meet the external requirements.

When relating this to the three variables De Sitter discusses:
- Quality of organization
External; flexibility, control over realization, innovation
Internal; e.g. Cycle time.

- Quality of work
External; absenteeism, personnel turnover
Internal; e.g. ....

- Quality of working relations
External; effective communication
Internal; e.g. ....

What are the design sequence and requirements for the control structure?

Sequence: micro > meso > macro

1. Start grouping as much control activities at the micro level (OR, DR and SR)
2. Start at control demands for performance of the team
3. What can workers decide for themselves and for what is some form of control needed?
4. Minimal critical specification
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What is the consequence of a mismatch between regulatory potential and probability of disturbances?

This causes that relevant variables of the production structure are not met (problem with values in the variables)

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