Configurational approach

8 important questions on Configurational approach

What is a viable configuration?

A viable configuration can be seen as bundles of elements (choices and activities, the characteristics) that are highly interdependent and complementary.

How can Mintzberg's framework of configurational theory be used?

1. To describe organizations
2. To explain why certain organizations are successful and others are not
3. To predict which organizations will be successful and which will fail.

What variables are discussed in Mintzbeg's theory: configurational approach? And how can organizations achieve this variable?

Organizational effectiveness.

Organizations can achieve this variable through a good internal and external fit. Internal fit refers to the consistency among parameters. External fit refers to the fit between parameters and contingency factors.

This is a weak point in Mintzberg's theory since he does not state what this exactly is.
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What is the relationship between parameters and variables according to Mintzberg?

The link between parameters and variables is theoretically explained as the extended configurational hypothesis, in which the parameters should fit the contingency factors, so: a good internal AND external fit.

Which parameter is closely connected to job specialization?


When reflecting the pragmatic validity of Mintzberg's theory, which approach is dominant?

The visual approach is dominant due to the visualization of the five configurations.

This is backed up with some prescriptive process: first you should assess the external fit, then the internal fit, followed by the coniguration (limited diversity). However, this is not explicit enough.

What is the difference between conjunction, equifinality and asymmetry and how do you see this within Mintzberg's theory?

Conjunction = the outcome depend on a combination or conditions and how these relate to each other.

Equifinality = there are often more combinations that lead to the same outcome

Asymmetry = conditions that complement each other in a particular configuration do not necessarily complement each other in other configurations.

You see conjunction in the internal fit. You see equifinality in the combination between the parameters and contingency factors . Five different combinations can lead to the same outcome. So, equifinality is related to the configurations.

What are the two benefits and three drawbacks of Mintzberg's theory?

1. Parameters are clear
2. Mintzberg is broader than structure, and this is beneficial since not every problem is structure related.

1. Variables are vague
2. Environment is approached as a given. However, the more complex you organize, the more complex the environment becomes.
3. More descriptive than prescriptive.

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