Summary & interpretation

6 important questions on Summary & interpretation

According to ch. 13 on Conflict, Power & Politics
What can contribute to organisational success?

According to ch. 13 on Conflict, Power & Politics
Cultural & ethical values can help determine the organisation’s social capital, and their right values can contribute to organisational success.

What is the function of organisational cultures?

Organisational cultures can serve to integrate member so they know how to relate to one another and adapt their productive capabilities to the external environment

How is culture enacted?

Culture is enacted through rites and ceremonies stories and heroes, symbols and language.
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How does organisational culture interact with the strategy and structure of the organisation?

Organisational culture may reflect and reinforce or be in tension with the strategy and structure of the organisation and its member’s efforts to adapt to, or control, its environment.

Which four types of culture may exist in organisations?

Four types of culture may exist in organisations:
adaptability culturemission cultureclan culturebureaucratic culture

When is organisational culture is characterised as strong?

When widespread consensus exists about the importance of specific values, the organisational culture is characterised as strong and may have a cult-like cohesiveness. However, even in organisations with strong cultures, several sets of subcultures may emerge. However, even in organisations with strong cultures, several sets of subcultures may emerge.