Designing organizations for the international environment

7 important questions on Designing organizations for the international environment

There are three factors that motivate companies to expand internationally. Name them.

- Economies of scale

- Economies of scope

- Cheaper production factors

What model is needed to achieve high levels of the varied capabilities needed to succeed in a complex and volatile international environment?

Transnational model

Global teams (also called transnational teams) are cross-border work groups made up of multi skilled, multinational members whose actives span multiple countries. There are two types of teams, name them.

Intercultural teams and virtual global teams

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The most common use of spreading knowledge across differentiated units are:

- Global teams

- Headquarters planning

- Expanded coordination roles

What are the three primary segments of the global organizational challenge?

greater complexity and differentiation, the need for integration, the problem of transferring knowledge across a global firm.

Which two dimensions from Hofstede's model seem to have strong impact withint organizations?

Power distance and uncertainty avoidance.

The ....... is an organizational form highly adapted to the character of a globalizing economy.

Transnational model

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