Organizational structure and design - ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE

11 important questions on Organizational structure and design - ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE

The ability to design and redesign the organization in a responds to changes in internal and external environment is a key mangerial function. How do that connect to organizational design? 

organizational design= The process of selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure and culture to enable the organization to achieve its goals

The words below is factor of O structure what do they each mean?
  • Division of labor
  • Span of control
  • Hierarchy
  • Formalization
  • Centralization

Division of labor ....
Span of control

The given figure show a organizational chart of  narrow span of control, explain narrow span of control:

An organization with a narrow span of control tent to have more levels in the organization
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Span of control is one charachteristic of organizational structure. What does it mean?

How many employees report directly to an individual (the amount is the individuals span of control).

Hierarchy is one charachteristic of organizational structure. What does it mean?

Is the chain of command in the organization (who have power over whom)

Formalization is one charachteristic of organizational structure. What does it mean?

Is the set of organizational rules, procedures, and communication that are followed or written down.

Centralization is one charachteristic of organizational structure. What does it mean?

A centralized organization keep the decision-making and power authority at the higher levels of the organization insted of distribute the decision

Decentralized organization is the opposite of centralized organizations.  explain the term decentralized organization

A decentralized organization distribute the authority of making decisions that affect the organization, that mean that the authority is not only at the higher levels of the organization.

Organic- and mechanic structure are at the opposite ends of organizational structures.  organizations typically fall between the two models instead of being one of them. Explain what mechanic structure is?

mechanistic organizations
Rigid, traditional
bureaucracies with
centralized power
and hierarchical

Organic- and mechanic structure are at the opposite ends of organizational structures.  organizations typically fall between the two models instead of being one of them. Explain what organic structure is?

organic organizations
Flexible, decentralized
structures with less
clear lines of authority,
decentralized power,
open communication
channels, and a focus on
adaptability in helping
employees accomplish

What are the 7 main things that influence organizational structure?

  • Business strategy
  • external environment
  • organization talent
  • organization size
  • behavioral expectations
  • production technology
  • organizational change

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