Motivation concepts - Early theories of motivation

7 important questions on Motivation concepts - Early theories of motivation

What differentiation exists in the needs of Maslow's theory?

Low order needs: satisfied externally (physiological, safety). High order needs: are satisfied internally ( social ,esteem and self actualization).

What are two conclusion on the applicability of Maslow's theory of needs?

1. It has received wide recognition but research does not validate the theory. 2. little evidence exists that needs are structured or operate in the way that is described.

What is Douglas McGregor's distinct view on human beings?

He has two theories. Theory x states that employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility and must be coerced to perform. Theory y states that employees like work, are creative, seek responsibility and can excercise self-direction.
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What is the two factor theory by Herzberg? and what are some of its criticisms?

A theory that relates intrinsic factors to job satisfaction and associated extrinsic factors with dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors are factors such as company policy and administration, supervision, and salary that when adequate in a job placate workers. When these factors are adequate people will not be dissatisfied.
Critics state that it relies on self reports, it has questionable reliability and no overall measure of satisfaction. It also assumes a relationship between satisfaction and productivity but only looked at satisfaction.

How are Nach, Npow and Naff linked to certain roles?

Low nAff and high nPow is linked to managerial succes. nAch is linked to career and entrepreneurial succes and national economic prosperity.

What two statements are made on the applicability of McClellands theory?

1. Managers must determine what needs workers wants satisfied 2. Ensure that a person receives outcomes when performing well.

What are two criticisms on McClellands theory?

Measuring the three needs is not easy because they are subconscious. Also The process of measuring them is consuming and expensive and few organizations have been willing to invest in measuring his concepts.

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