Personality and values - Generational values

6 important questions on Personality and values - Generational values

What are boomers? How are they described and what are their dominant work values?

People that entered the workforce  1965-1985. Hippie Ethic. Work values: success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority, loyalty to career.

What are Xers? How are they described and what are their dominant work values?

People that entered the workforce 1985-2000. Globalization and two-career parents. Dominant work values: work/ life balance, team-oriented, dislike of rules, loyalty to relationships.

What are Nexters/Millenials/Yers? How are they described and what are their dominant work values?

Entered workforce 2000- presents. High expectations. Dominant work values: confident, financial success, self-reliant but team oriented, loyalty to both self and relationships.
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Name one pro and one con of generational value classifications.

They may help us understand our own an other generations better but they also have a limit in that they lack solid research support.

What is the person-job fit theory by John Holland about?

It is a theory that identifies six personality types and proposed that the fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover.

What are the three key points of the person-job fit theory?

1. there appear to be intrinsic differences in personality among individuals. 2. there are different types of jobs 3. people in jobs congruent with their personality should be more satisfied and less likely to voluntarily resign than people in incongruent jobs.

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