Institutional work

4 important questions on Institutional work

Elaborate on agency in institutional work

Agency is accomplished through coordinated and uncoordinated efforts of a large number of actors. The situated actions respond to the demands in every-day life. The broad category of purposive actions are aimed at creating, maintaining or disrupting the institutions.

What is the institutional logic perspective (similar to the aim of institutional work)?

The aim of institutional work is to institutionalize the emerging logic of responsible management in highly compatible global industries.

The institutional logic perspective is focussing on firm and field level actors to attempt to institutionalize the emergent logic of responsible management valuing economic, social and environmental sustainability towards stakeholder and ethical- decision making. In other words: it's institutionalizing responsibility management and make ethical decision making and care for sustainability on different fronts institutionalized.

In the article Water wars in Detroit (Montgomery & Dacin) institutional custodians are described who wanted to stabilize the institution among water in Detroit. What are institutional custodians and what is meant by custodian intersection?

Institutional custodians are actors who maintain and improve institutionalized practices. Those actors act based on different times, roles, and have a different understanding of the institutional rules.

Custodian intersection is about the when and how custodians worked in isolation and when they collaborated.
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What are the intersections between the four groups of custodians?

They collaborated on the following;

- Public ownership (operator and warrior)
- Human right to water (warrior and convert)
- Clean water access (Convert and agnostic)

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