Institutional work - Article Susler, Lohmeyer and Ashwin we can't compete human rights

4 important questions on Institutional work - Article Susler, Lohmeyer and Ashwin we can't compete human rights

What is the key take away from the article of Schusler, Lohmeyer and Ashwin; competing human rights?

You cannot solve market problems with market mechanisms alone. Therefore you need market-protected spaces which facilitate the other prioritization of responsible management over market logic.

This is a multi-level, contested approach.

What is the tension described in the article competing human rights and what is the role of market-protected spaces regarding these tensions?

The tension is between the market logic and responsible management logic. In which the first is about the profitability focus and the latter is about the responsibility for society.

The role of market protected spaces is that it can resolve this tension using binding regulative spaces that enforce to prioritize responsible management. It is basically the path to institutionalize responsible management in the global economy.

The three different approaches on responding to responsible management demands discussed by Schusler, Lohmeyer and Ashwin are: prioritizing market logic, accommodating responsible management in market logic and prioritizing responsible management in market protected spaces. What's the difference between those approaches regarding;
- Discursive representation
- The firm level actions
- The field level actions

prioritizing market logic
- Discursive repres; Deflecting (afketsen) responsible issues
- Firm level; baseline of CSR standards
- Field level; avoid commitments on field level

accommodating responsible management in market logic
- Discursive repres; acknowledge responsibility
- Firm level; formalizing CSR procedures
- Field level; supporting voluntary industry standards

prioritizing responsible management in market protected spaces
- Discursive repres; shaping a new meaning of responsible management
- Firm level; shaping new core business practices by aligning resp. Management demands with core business functions.
- Field level; developing a binding regulative infrastructure.
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How are the market-protected spaces constructed according to the article of Schusler et al.,?

The conditions and the actors notice events, alliances and global union federations are constructed.

The core mechanisms; new meaning, binding regulations and change in core business are developed.

3 kinds of institutional work:
- Restraining (ontwrichten) the market logic; disruptive
- Maintaining market protected spaces; in the face of resistance and pushback from dominant market logic.
- Infusing responsible management with non-market elements; institution creating

Consequences; resistance and pushbacks
- Suspension (opschorting) of market logic
- Prioritize responsible management logic

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