Organisations as barriers to change

3 important questions on Organisations as barriers to change

What is the difference between institutional work and institutional entrepreneurship?

Institutional work are the situated actions of individuals and groups, that respond to a everyday life demand. It's about purposive actions aimed at creating, maintaining or disrupting institutions. Institutional work regards formal and informal actions, coordinated and uncoordinated efforts.

Institutional entrepreneurship are the activities of actors who have an interest in a particular institutional arrangement and who leverage resources to create new institutions or to transform existing ones.

Note that all institutional entrepreneurship is institutional work. But not all institutional work is institutional entrepreneurship, since the first is a more broad term.

Organizations are important for the sustainability transformation, since they have a main contribution in the greenhouse gass emission in the world. However, due to limited liability corporations cannot be held responsible. Elaborate on the term corporations as legal persons and why investors do not want to invest money regarding liability.

- Corporations as legal persons; when a corporation is a legal person, it has an entity apart from its members which has rights.

especially small investors do not want to invest money into a company when they can be help liable for company debts. Therefore, the question arises will the company behave responsible if no person is responsible for its debts?

The research of Wright & Nyberg (2017) identifies how and why corporate environmental initiatives deteriorate (verslechteren) over time. What was the main answer to the question why it detoriates and what was the main underlying problem? This way you describe the model high level.

Wright & Nyberg (2017) identified how and why corporate environmental initiatives deteriorate over time. The key take away is that corpates end up with business as usual eventually. The underlying problem is the continuously tension between demand of the grand challenge and business imperatives (Verplichtingen).

The model of Wright & Nyberg (2017) shows the translation of grand challenges into corporate practices, involving a dialectical process of responding to critique and criticism. The process reveals the tension associated with competing demands: environment vs doing business. Over time, continuous critique and reassessment result in compromise in favor of a narrow profit motive.

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