Bone involvement in SpAs

5 important questions on Bone involvement in SpAs

What is a mayor difference in SpA pathology compared to RA?

In RA you lose bone mass, in SpA you gain bone mass in the shape of skeletal abnormalities.

Where on the skeleton are abnormalities due to SpAs most common?

In the (lower) back where new bone formation leads to fusion of joints...

How is skeletal growth during development regulated?

  • endochondral bone formation
  • membranous bone formation
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What is the main difference between endochondral bone formation and membranous bone formation?

In membranous bone formation there is no intermediate cartilage layer present.

Skeletal growth is ofcourse influenced by a plethora of factors. What is said about BMPs and Wnt?

Both play a role in the pathogenesis of the enhanced periarticular bone formation in SpAs.

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