Chronic pain - Pain Assessment

6 important questions on Chronic pain - Pain Assessment

Which unidimensional instrumants to measure pain intensity or severity exist?

- Numeric Rating Scale (most prefered --> subject to change and not too abstract)
- Adjective Rating scale (bijv.nw) 
Can be focused on now, during previous week etc.

What different types of assessment instruments exist to assess pain?

- Unidimensional instruments (severity)
- Pain diaries (gives also an idea of exacerbating factors (emotions, sleep etc.)
- multidimensional instruments   (for instance McGill pain questionnaire)

Which types of multidimensional pain assessment instruments exist?

- McGill Pain questionnaire
- The brief pain inventory
- Multi dimensional pain monitoring form
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What are other pain-related aspects can be measured and how?

  1. Pain threshol/tolerance
  2. Pain behaviour with the UAB pain behaviour scale
  3. Pain coping with the Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire
  4. Pain catastrophizing with the Pain Catastrophizing scale

What does the UAB Pain Behaviour scale measure?

It is an observation scale which can be used in an in-patient setting by health care personnel. They can rate different pain behaviours, verbal (complaining); non-verbal (standing posture); mobility (impairment) etc.

Which 6 cognitive coping and 1 behavioural coping subscales does the Pain coping Strategies questionnaire contain?

  • Hoping/praying
  • diverting attention
  • catastrophizing
  • Reinterpreting the pain
  • ignoring sensations
  • coping selfstatements ("I tell myself that I can overcome the pain)

  • Increased behavioural activities (leaving the house for x)

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