Rheumatoid arthritis - Psychosocial consequences

10 important questions on Rheumatoid arthritis - Psychosocial consequences

What is the association between fatigue and disease activity in RA? And what is are possible explanations for this association?

- amount of fatigue isn't associated with disease severity.
- Research indicates that there is an associaton between fatigue and mood (consistently) and some evidence for cognitions (SE) and fatigue in RA patients.

Why can a patient with RA experience anxiety and depression?

  • distress of diagnosis
  • Fear/uncertainty about symptoms
  • worry about future disability

Depression --> can lead to behavioural disengagement --> deconditioning syndrome --> mental /physical deconditioning

What is the prevalence of depression in RA patient population?

High 6-66% similar to other diseases  (general population <5%)
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Why do a lot of Ra patients have a sedentary lifestyle?

Due to pain, disability, fatigue caused by RA
Negative (false) beliefs about exercise --> will make my symptoms worse. 
Leads to muscle disuese --> deconditiong --> increased pain & disability

What is an example of an Self-reported disease activity instrument?

The RADAI (Rheumatoïd Arthritis Disease Activity Index)

Why is having a sedentary lifestyle a risk factor for RA patients?

  • Higher change at other diseases --> obesity (Risk factor for ostheoarthritis), CVD (allready at risk due to inflammation accelarating atheroslcerosis)
  • Muscle disuse --> deconditioning syndrome --> mental & physical deconditioning --> more pain & disability

What is the role of psychological factors in the progression of RA?

Stress-related cognitions (catastrophizing, worrying) are consistently related to pain outcomes and disease activity (hospital stay, painkiller use)

Which instruments can be used to assess the level of pain?

  • Unidimensional (NRS)/diary measure
  • SF-36 bodily pain subscale (2 items)
  • Arthritis specific measurement
    • Arthritis impact and measurement scale (AIMS)
    • Impact of rheumatic diseases on general health and lifestyle) IRGL (6 items).

What are two arthritis specific measurement instruments to measure physical outcomes?

AIMS: Arhtritis impact and measurement scale
IRGL: Impact of rheumatoid disease on general health and lifestyle

Which instruments can be used to assess the level of fatigue?

  • Unidimensional (fatigue NRS) = numeric rating scale /dairy measures
  • SF-36 vitality subscale
  • Checklist individual strenght (CIS)

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