Indtoduction - Emerging zoonoses

6 important questions on Indtoduction - Emerging zoonoses

How can the burden of foodborne diseases be ranked?

1. Multicriteria Decision Analyses (weighing of values)
2. Disease Burden Estimation (DALY = YLL+YLD)

What is the burden of toxoplasmosis in NL?

1903 DALYs per year, mostly congenital
In NL we don't have screening programs so we don't know exact numbers

Which complications can be seen as a result of toxoplasma infection?

1. Congenital toxoplasmosis (especially 1st trimester, can become blind)
2. Acquired toxoplasmosis
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Which type of meat contribute most to toxo in NL?

Beef, because we eat a lot and often raw. A lot of sheep are infected because they graze outside. Pigs are very susceptible but they are kept inside.

What are control measures for toxo?

1. Education for pregnant people
2. Prevention of exposure (Short term: via meat consumption, long term:via environment)

What are control measures for echinococcus multilocularis?

1. Education and information about risk factors (focus on risk groups/regions)
2. Control in dogs (regular praziquantel in high risk region)
3. Control of wildlife (difficult, no vaccine, maybe baiting with praziquantel)

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