Political movements

15 important questions on Political movements

On which three important ideological movements were the first political parties based?

liberalism, denominationalism (confessionalisme) and socialisme.

What do we understand under the term ideology?

a body of related ideas about man and the way society should develop.

With which three aspects do point of views that emerge from ideologies have to do?

- norms and values
- socio-economic relationships
- division of power
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What is meant with norms and values?

They should apply to everyone in society: these mainly concern how far indiidual freedom should extend.

What is meant with the desired socio-economic relationship in society?

What is a fair distribution of wealth? Is it right that a surgeon should earn ten times as much as a nurse?

What is meant with the desired division of power in society?

Should employees have more say in how their companies run or is it better to leave decision-making in the hands of management?

What do progressive politicians emphasize on?

on what is wrong in society and call for change. In their view, the only (and the best) way to deal with pollution caused by fossil fuel is by investing in sustainable sun and wind energy.

What do conservative politicians emphasize?

what already have achieved. e.g. they think the Netherlands should not hand over any more political power to the European Union.

For what do we use the terms left-wing and right-wing?

for the different views on the role of government with regard to socio-economic relationships.

What does the political left do?

It takes as its starting point the principle of equality and want everyone to have the same opportunities in education, work and income. That means the government must actively protect the more vulnerable people in society.

What does political right put its emphasis on?

on freedom and one's own responsibility. citizens and the business world should, as far as possible, be allowed to regulate things for themselves. The government should remain PASSIVE when it comes to socio-economic issues and only get involved when it is absolutely necessary.

What is the political middle?

They emphasize the joint responsibility of citizens and the government. People and organisations have to look after themselves in the first place. If they cannot realize this, then the government an interfere.

What do social democrats want?

They want to achieve social improvements constitutionally.

What is today's view of social democrats?

knowledge, income and power should be more evenly distributed. The welfare state should be retained and preferably enlarged because it contains the basic social rights

How does populism tend to explain politial issues?

in simple terms and to suggest decisive solutions to them.Is crime on the increase? Then we are going to hand out tougher sentences.

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