Transplantation rejection and tumor immunology

8 important questions on Transplantation rejection and tumor immunology

What is essential in transplantations?

Immunosuppressieve therapy  (ecxept for auto- and isografts)

What are the major complications of HSC transplantation?

  • Immune deficiency around time of transplantation
  • Graft failure; no growth of new immune cells
  • Graft-versus-host disease

What are the steps of killing tumor cells?

  1. “Danger signals” from dying cancer cells activate phagocytes
  2. Dendritic cells pick up pieces of dead tumor cells and migrate to lymph node
  3. Dendritic cells present tumor antigens to T cells
  4. Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells are activated to proliferate and differentiate into killer cells (CTLs)
  5. Migration of tumor-specific CTLs
  6. CTLs kill tumor cells that express tumor antigens    
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From which groups, immune-activating tumor antigens can arise?

  1. Mutated oncogens
  2. Mutated self antigens
  3. Aberrantly expressed proteins
  4. Oncogenic viral antigens

How tumor cells avoid elimination by the immune system?

  • Low immunegenicity; no neo-antigens or co stimulatory
  • Loss of MHC I expression
  • Immune suppression
  • Block CTL function

What are effective immunotherapies?

1. Treatment with monoclonal antibodies
2. Blocking immune checkpoint inhibitory signals
3. CAR T cell therapy

What is a side effect of activation of host immunity?

Auto-immune reactions

Definition CAR  T cell therapy

  1. Genetic modification of patient’s own T cells
  2. Modified to recognize a specific tumor antigen
  3. Binding of tumor antigen triggers T cell activation
  4. Grown in bulk and put back in patient to attack the tumor  

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