
16 important questions on Neuropathology

What are the cellular consequences of ischemia?

  • Neuronal damage and death (‘red neurons’)
  • Loss of myelin
  • Death of glia cells
  • Loss of tissue with clearing reaction (colliquation) → influx of granulocytes en monocytes/macrophages
  • Cavitation   

Clinical picture epidural and subdural hemorrhages

  • Trauma
  • Clear interval → progressive deterioration of consiousness → death
  • Therapy: decompression (via a hole in the skull)

Clinical picture subarachnoidal hemorrhages

  • From an aneurysma (young age)
  • Hyperacute severe headache and sudden loss of consciousness
  • Therapy: coil / clip 
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Clinical picture intraparenchymal hemorrhage

  • Very severe
  • Bleeding inside the brain parenchyma
  • Brain parenchyma offers little resistance → easy spread
  • Fast increase of intracranial pressure
  • Mortality 75-80%
  • Risk factors: hypertension, blood thinners, trauma    

What are the causative agents of meningitis?

  • Bacterial (almost always acute and severe)
  • Viral (often mild)
  • Others (fungi & parassites) (always severe)  

What are the causative agents of encephalitis?

  • Viral (always severe brain tissue damage) – Herpes simplex, CMV, Rabies, HIV, JCV, etc.
  • Bacterial & fungine: immigrants
  • Parasitic  

Where is the diagnostisch of encephalitis based on?

Serology and clinical picture. Histology you see microglial nodules and inclusion bodies (virus).

Describe progressive multifcoal leukoncephalopathy (PML)

  • Viral infection (John Cunningham virus)
  • Most prevalent amongst immunocompromised patients (HIV patients before current treatment)
  • Now: new immunosuppressive treatment for MS
  • Very severe, often lethal  

What are the metastases of CNS tumors?

Lung, breast, skin etc.

What are the primary CNS tumors?

Gliomas and primitive neuro epithelial tumors

Which infections occur mostly in epidural en subdural spaces?

Bacterial and fungal infections. Usually as a consequences of direct local spread.

In what infectious meningtis can be grouped?

  • Acute pyogenic
  • Aseptic
  • Chronic

In which groups astrocytomas as grouped?

diffuse astrocytoma (grade II), anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III), and glioblastoma (grade IV), with increasingly grim prognosis as the grade increases.

From where CNS tumors arise?

Tumors of the CNS may arise from the cells of the coverings (meningiomas), the brain (gliomas, neuronal tumors, choroid plexus tumors), or other CNS cell populations (primary CNS lymphoma, germ cell tumors), or they may originate elsewhere in the body (metastases)

With what increasing tumor malignancy is associated?

It is associated with more cytologic anaplasia, increased cell density, necrosis, and mitotic activity

What is the most dominant type of tumor that metastasize into the nervous system?


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