Overige info - Practicum

25 important questions on Overige info - Practicum

Which basic components has the male reproductive system? (9)

- Spermatic cord
- Scrotum
- Testis
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
- Accesoory sex glands
- Penis
- Prepuce
- Muscles

What is the paminiform plexus?

Highly convuluted (gekroneld) testiculart artery, surrounderd by fingerlike venous wrappings

What is the function of the pampiniform plexus?

- Temperature control
- Testosterone recirculation
- Blood entering testis is almost pulse less
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What function has the scrotum?

Protection, temperature control.

Which components has the scrotum?

- Skin
- Tunica dartos (dartos muscle)

Which components has the skin of the scrotum?

- Thermosensitive nerves
- Sweat glands

What does the tunica dartos?

Under influence of testosterone, state of contraction based on skin temperature.

What is the function of the testis?

Production of testosterone and sperm cells

Which components has the testis?

- Seminiferous tubules
- Sertoli cells
- Germ cells
- Interstitial tissue
- Leydig cells

What are the components of the epididymis?

- Head (caput)
- Body (corpus)
- Tail (cauda)

What happens in the caput and corpus of the epididymis?

- Sperm cells become fertile 

What happens in the cauda of the epididymis?

Sperm cells are store, fluid added. 

What is the function of the accessory sex glands?

- Make seminal plasma, e.g. fructose as energy source to spermatozoa, surface coating.

What are the charasteristics of the rams reproductive organs?

- No prostate body
- Urethral process in penis

What are the charasteristics of the dogs reproductive organs?

- Only prostate, no other accessory sex glands
- Long testicles

What are the charasteristics of the boars reproductive organs?

- No ampulla
- Relatively large vesicular glands
- Relatively large bulbo-urethral glands
- Glans penis: cork screw

What are the charasteristics of the cock's reproductive organs?

- No pampiniform plexus
- No scrotum
- High temperature

What is the function of the retractor penis?

Keeps sigmoid flexure intact

What is the function of the bulbospongiosus (muscle)?


What is the function of the iscio-cavernosus muscle?

Compresson of penile veins - blood onto corpus cavernosum

What are muscles of the male reproductive system?

- Ischio-cavernosus
- Bulbospongiosus
- Cremaster
- Retractor penis

What are the components of the glans penis and what are its functions?

-Sensory nerves: stimulates ejaculation

What are the components of the erectile tissue of the penis shaft?

- Corpus cavernosum
- Corpus spongiosum

What are the components of the accessory sex glands?

- Ampulle of ductus deferens
- Vesicular glans
- Prostate (Corpus, Dissseminate prostate)
- Bulbo-urethral gland

What are the components of the penis?

- Base
- Shaft
- Glans penis

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