Reproductive cyclicity - The follicular phase

6 important questions on Reproductive cyclicity - The follicular phase

What are the four major events of the follicular phase?

  1. Elevated gonadotropin release from the anterior lobe of the pituitary
  2. follicular growht and preparation for ovulation
  3. Sexual receptivity
  4. Ovulation

When is the follicular phase initiated?

After luteolysis that result in a marked reduction in progesterone, the folliculare phase is initiated.

What are the hormone levels during dominance? (3)

  1. Low FSH
  2. High LH
  3. High inhibin
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What are the major effects of estrogen on the reproductive tract? (7)

  • increased blood flow
  • genital swelling
  • change in tissue electrical conductivity
  • increased mucosal secretion
  • initiation of uterine gland grwoth
  • elevated myometrial tone

What can be the consequences of estrogen deficiency? (5)

  • Genital atrophy
  • decresed secretion by the reproductive tract
  • modification of lipid metabolism and of the vascular walls
  • increase in the physiological loss of bone (0steoporosis)
  • vasomotor sympots (hot flashes)

What methods can be used to obtain superovulation?

Methods of superovulation usually include injections of equine chorionic gonadoropin or FSH followed by administartion of LH, GnRH or human choriconic gonaodotropin (hCG) several days later to induce ovulation. 

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