Reproductive behario

7 important questions on Reproductive behario

What are the final prepartum steops of reproduction?

  • Formation of  a placenta
  • Acquisition of the endocrine function of the placenta
  • Initiation of parturition

What is a placenta?

It is a transient organ of metabolic interchange between conceptus and the dam. It is also a transient endocrine organ. The placenta is composed of a fetal component derived from the chorion and a meternal component derived from modifications of the uterine endomerium. 

How are placentas classified?

Placentals are classified accoring to th distributionof chorionic villi on their surfaces, giving each placental type a distinct anatomical appearance. 

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What are the four classifications of placentas?

  1. diffuse
  2. zonary
  3. discoid
  4. cotyledonary

The placenta produces hormones that can:

  • stimulate ovarian function
  • maintain pregnancy
  • influence fetal growth
  • stimulate mammary function
  • assist in parturition

Why i progestrone obligatory for early embryonic cevelopment?

It provides the stmulus for elevated secretion by endometrail glands. Hihg progestron is also responsibel for the so-called progestrone block, that inhibits myometrial contractions. 

What are the three major causes of dystocia?


  1. Excessive size of the fetus
  2. failure of proper fetal rotation
  3. multiple births in monotocous species
  • both twins may be presented simoutaneuously
  • the first fetus is positioned abnormally and therefore flocks the second
  • the uterus becomes fatigued y difficult and sustained contractions


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