Buisiness and Peace - Reading Governments

4 important questions on Buisiness and Peace - Reading Governments

Through their interactions with government, both local and international business can promote good governance and support both political will and government capacity to address, resolve and forestall conflict.

Guidance Point 1:

Companies are encouraged to explore all opportunities for constructive corporate engagement with government as well as set good examples in their dealings with governments inforder to support peace.

  • Local private sector can contribute to peacebuilding efforts by:

  1. Providing material support to peace negotiations.

  2. Adopting hiring and workplace policies that cut across ethnic or racial divides.

  3. Mobilizing public opinion.

    - Public campaign run by a group of trade associations in 2001 encouraged citizens to speak out on the urgency of peace.

Concerning Guidance Point 1.

Engaging with governments on conflict related issues can be more sensitive for international companies, given concerns that their actions may be considered unwelcome interventions. However, opportunities for engagement may be present during various points on the project.

  • Name three strategies that companies may choose to engage with governments in conflict related issues:

  1. Directly engage the government with their concerns, including for example by articulating the shared interest of government and business in peace and stability, in public and/or private forums.

  2. Seek to address their concerns indirectly by engaging with third parties.

    - Such as Global Compact Local Networks.

  3. Engage in efforts that support governance capacity and support international best practice in resource governance.
    - If possible, through joining initiatives that provide forums for business government engagement on transparency and accountability.

Human rights violations by government actors may expose the company to accusations of complicity in these abuses. Further, perceptions that a company may somehow benefit from abuses may make it a focus of local disruption.

Guidance Point 2:

Companies are encouraged to take all necessary measures to avoid complicity in human rights violations by government actors in relation to all aspects of the company's operations.

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Companies may expose themselves to reputational risks if they engage in corrupt practices in their relations with government officials.

Guidance Point 3:

Companies are encouraged to develop clear policies and robust management practices to prevent corrupt relations with government officials. Within legal and commercial constraints, companies are encouraged to promote transparency with host governments and be as transparent as possible with other stakeholders about their relationships with governments.

  • Why is this important?

Lack of transparency may foster the perception of corrupt entanglement with the government.

Silence toward government malfeasance may also be a poor communication strategy, because the company risks being seen as indifferent and may therefore see its operations targeted by parties in conflict.

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