Hedgehog pathway - Cillia problems

6 important questions on Hedgehog pathway - Cillia problems

Name a pathway example of mechanoreception + place.
Name an example of chemoreception with IFT + place

Mechano: Wnt pathway. In vestigulocochlear organs (oor), renal tubules,
Chemo: HH pathway. In photoreceptors.

So, what is the link between cilia and hegdehog?

Cilia problems (abnormal axoneme + intraflagellar transport) => wrong distribution of hedgehog proteins + pathways.

So what is the link between centrosomes and cillia?

Formation of cillia form centriolen
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So one function of the cilia is propulsion. There are different kinds of propulsion, which ones and is this important?

Hensens’s node (=Primitive node) => cilia have a circle like motion. -> result in asymmetric deposition of molecules => specific pathways are exposed on one side. => disorders in this process can be lateralical defects. Heterotaxia = transpositie van dingen (hart bijvoorbeeld)

What is the genetic background of ciliopathies?

Genetic heterogeneity and pleiotropy (=more than one phenotype)

Name examples of non motile ciliopathies (heritable disorders, defect in shape or function)

Renal tubes. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD).
Vestibulocochlear organs

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