Organisation rare diseases

7 important questions on Organisation rare diseases

How many live with rare diseases?
How many percentage?
How many onset in childhood?
How many genetic?

30 million = 30 000 000

What are the difficulties that go with rare diseases?

  • Social
  • Daily activities (5 van 10)
  • Cognitive = understanding and learning (4 van 10)
  • Motor functions
  • Participation restrictions

Access to healthcare is complex and hard to manage. Why?

  • Bad communication between care givers
  • A lot of different visits
  • Less well informed about their rights
  • Time consuming

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What is the European policy? What zijn de drie belangrijke documenten?

  1. Commission communication: 2008. Europe's challenges
  2. Council recommendation on an action in the field for rare diseases
  3. EUCERD = european commission experrt group rare diseases.

In 2016 the recommendations of the expert group were agreed on.
  • Integrating it in social policy
  • Interdiciplinaire, holistic, person centered, participated care provision. (article 4)
  • Integrating in national system: assessing person's level of functioning (article 8)

What are important milestones for the European policies?

  • Highlighting research
  • Solidarity
  • Recognition as a public health priority => make a national plan
  • European reference networks (ERN) opzetten => collective knowledge; common goals are improving diagnostics and treatment, high-quality health care
  • Cross-border health care

How is the organisation in the Netherlands?

  • Je wilt een expertise centrum oprichten dus dit vraag je aan bij de VWS; dit gebeurt elke 5 jaar (kan sinds 2016 (toen is ook die 'recommendations integration RD in social policies' aanvaard)
  • Expertise centers for rare diseases (2016) (Expertise Centrum voor Zeldzame Aandoeningen ECZA)
= Multidiciplinair, over kindzorg en volwassenzorg, over diagnoses en behandelingen.
  • Dan kan je je aanmelden om bij een Europees reference network te gaan horen (per rare diseaese)

How many expertise centra does A UMC have? And why is it important to have a center of exptertise?

You need to be recognized by the center of expertise to apply for funding.

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