Gunas - Chakras
4 important questions on Gunas - Chakras
By what is the Throat/Vishuddha Chakra characterised, how do you feel when this chakra is in balance and out of balance?
- Inspiration
- Expression
- Faith
- The ability to communicate
In balance:
- Creativity
- Positive self-expression
- Constructive communication
- Satisfaction
Out of balance:
- Timidity
- Quietness
- Feeling of weakness
- Inability o express your thoughts
By what is the Third Eye/Ajna Chakra characterised, how do you feel when this chakra is in balance and out of balance?
How do you pronounce Ajna?
For what and why is Ajna Chakra often used?
- Perception of truth
- Intelligence
- Intuition
- Understanding
- Self-knowledge
In balance:
- One is it's own master without fear of death
- One is free of attachment to material things
Out of balance:
- Not being able to perceive the truth
- Headaches
- Blurry vision
- Eye strain (vermoeide ogen)
You pronounce Ajna as Agya.
It is often used as a focal point during asana practise to bring more concentration and awareness. Because it is said that meditation on Ajna Chakra gives enlightenment and intuitional knowledge.
By what is the Crown/Sahastrara Chakra characterised, how do you feel when this chakra is in balance and out of balance?
- Center of spirituality
- Enlightenment
- Dynamic thought
- Energy
In balance:
- Allows for the inward flow of Devine wisdom
- Brings the gift of cosmic consciousness
Out of balance:
- Suffer from rajas and tamas
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
By what is the root/Muladhara Chakra characterised, how do you feel when this chakra is in balance and out of balance?
- Emotions of survival
- Stability
- Ambition
- Self-sufficiency
In balance:
- Stable
- Confident
- Balanced
- Energetic
- Independent
- Strong
Out of balance:
- Unstable
- Ungrounded
- Lack of ambition
- Lack of purpose
- Fearful
- Insecure
- Frustrated
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding