Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems - Interactions of water with solids

8 important questions on Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems - Interactions of water with solids

In which 2 ways can water interact with solids?

  • Adsorption on the surface of a solid (often a crystalline structure)
  • Adsorption within a solid (often amorphous)

What does the sorption of water by crystalline and amorphous structures (sugars, polymers and proteins) depend on?

  • Affinity of the material for water
  • The relative humidity
  • Physical state of the solid

Where does the sorption of water occur in crystalline solids?

At the crystal surface. As the solid is already in an ordered arrangement, there is not space for the water to diffuse into. As the water cannot go into the solid, the sorption of water for crystalline solids is limited.
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When can the sorption capacity of crystalline solids be larger?

When the solid has some impurities (some holes in the structure), the water might be able to fill this open spot in the arrangement.

How does sorption of water in amorphous solids (amorphous sugar, proteins and polymers) occur?

It has a less well-defined ordering. This will allow the water to diffuse into the material and fill the spaces in between the disordered molecules. These spaces, or 'sites' will fill up with water, and sorption within the material occurs.

What influences the amount of water absorbed in an amorphous solid?

The available 'sites' of the structure.

What happens when the water molecules fill the empty spaces in the amorphous disordered structure?

  • The systems become more ordered. It can lead to rearrangement to a more ordered structure, and can even go to a more crystalline state.
  • The temperature at which amorphous materials are heated can therefore have an effect on the structure. When heated above the glass temperature, the very disordered state can transfer into a more ordered structure.
  • When water is present within the amorphous structure, it will create less space as a result of this ordering and then water might be pushed out of the structure and will end up at the surface.

What happens when the concentration of water in an amorphous solid becomes too high?

The solid will dissolve in the water, and will become a solution.

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