Chocolate - Main ingredients

6 important questions on Chocolate - Main ingredients

What does chocolate consist of?

A semi-solid suspension (dispersion) of fine solid particles from sugar and cocoa, about 70% in total, in a continuous fat phase (30%).

What are the main ingredients of chocolate?

  • Milk proteins (casein and whey)
  • Milk fat
  • Cocoa butter
  • Cocoa powder
  • Sugar

Which sugars are present in chocolate?

Sucrose and lactose (not in dark chocolate)
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Which state of sucrose is preferred in chocolate?

Amorphous state. Its surface is very reactive and can easily adsorb any flavours that are nearby. It it is milled with cocoa, some of the volatile cocoa flavours are adsorbed by the amorphous sugar rather than escaping into the atmosphere.

Chocolate contains both amorphous and crystalline, but manufacturer can decide which ratio.

What does milk fat in chocolate contribute to?

Flavour release and distinctive consistency of the chocolate

What are the function of caseins and whey proteins in chocolate?

Creaminess and thickness
  • Caseins: good ability to bind to fat --> lubricant for solid (fat) particles to move around. The easier the particles can move, the thinner the chocolate will be (lower viscosity). Addition of caseins makes the chocolate thinner.
  • Whey proteins: make the chocolate thicker, as they are present as the dispersed phase within the continuous fat phase (they increase the dispersed phase fraction).

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