Chocolate - Special chocolates

11 important questions on Chocolate - Special chocolates

How can the yield stress of chocolate be lowered?

The yield stress is an effect of the interactions between the solid particles. The yield stress can be lowered by decreasing the contact between the particles by adding surfactants as PGPR and lecithin.

How can the plastic viscosity of chocolate be altered?

It can be altered by increasing the fat content. Adding fat will increase the total amount of continuous phase and makes it easier to flow.

How can the viscosity of couvertures be adjusted?

By choosing specific amounts and types of fat.
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What is the desired yield stress in couvertures?

  • A high yield stress is needed to prevent the formation of 'feet' on products, which is important for chocolate covered bonbons, bar, etc. That are covered with chocolate with an enrobing process.
  • A low yield stress is important to dip the product easily into the chocolate bath and produce an even dipping.

What is done to the chocolate to be used in ice cream?

  • The fat content is increased (40-60%), so it is made softer.
  • They often add milk fat or cocoa nut oil.
  • Often also untempered, to make it more soft.
  • It will crystallize in form I and II, which are not tightly packed and therefore softer

How can chocolate be shaped?

  • Enrobing: tempering and poured into moulds
  • Extrusion: extruded below its melting temperature (between 18-28C), the chocolate filaments possess a temporary flexibility for a short period of time.

How is aerated chocolate made?

When molten chocolate is introduced to vacuum, gas bubbles will expand, which will aerate the chocolate.
  • Viscosity decreased --> incorporation of air is easier, the air bubbles will be larger
  • Too low viscosity --> air can escape from air bubble into the open air and the bubbles will collapse

What are the optimal yield stress and viscosity for dipping?

  • Low yield stress --> needs to be fast in the chocolate
  • Viscosity needs to be high --> no dripping

Which 2 types of emulsifying agents are present in chocolate and what are they hydrophilic/hydrophobic?

  • Milk proteins --> high HLB --> hydrophilic
  • Lecithin --> low HLB --> hydrophobic

How can chocolate be optimised for enrobing?

Addition of fat is perfect, it decreases the viscosity but not the yield stress. It decrease the dispersed volume fraction, therefore decreases the viscosity.

How can chocolate be optimised for dipping?

Addition of lecithin --> lowers yield stress and does not change the viscosity too much. Adding fat would lower the viscosity too much

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