Ice cream - Microstructure of ice cream

9 important questions on Ice cream - Microstructure of ice cream

What does milk protein consist of?

80% casein
20% whey proteins

What are the 2 functions of milk in ice cream?

  1. They stabilise water-continuous emulsions and foams
  2. Contribute to the dairy flavour

Where can caseins and whey proteins be found in ice cream?

Caseins --> attached to the fat
Whey proteins --> around the air bubbles
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What are the 2 main function of sugars in ice cream?

  1. They make it sweet
  2. They control the amount of ice, hence the softness

How do sugars influence the viscosity of the matrix?

The higher the molecule weight, the higher is the matrix viscosity.
  • Beneficial --> high viscosity matrices tend to give creamier, warmer eating products
  • Detrimental --> difficult to scoop

What are the functions of fat in ice cream?

  1. Helps to stabilise the foam
  2. Responsible for the creamy texture
  3. Slows down the rate at which it melts
  4. It is necessary to deliver flavour molecules that are soluble in fat but not in water

How do fat globules stabilise the air bubbles?

They gather around the air bubbles and when they touch each other, they partially coalesce (melt together). The coalescence leads to a firmer network of fat which acts as a coating for the air bubbles. This will help to stabilise the air.

How does the degree of partial coalescence of the fat globules determine the stability of the foam?

When the coalescence is too low, the fat network does not form. But when the coalescence is too high, larger agglomerates are formed, which have negative influence on the stability as their size becomes too large.

What kind of mouthfeel do fats with a high melting temperature give?

A waxy mouthfeel.

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