Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems

5 important questions on Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems

Which 2 physical states are there in solid systems?

  • Crystalline
  • Amorphous

What is the difference the between crystalline and amorphous state?

  • Crystalline material --> atomic order at large scale
  • Amorphous --> no specific ordering of the atoms in the material

How are crystalline and amorphous materials made?

  • Slow cooling --> atoms in material have time to order themselves --> crystalline state is formed
  • Faster cooling --> molecules slow down fast enough to prevent ordering of the molecules --> amorphous state
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What happens when you heat up a crystalline material?

The ordered state will fall apart due to more molecular movement and the solid turns into a liquid at the melting temperature.

What happens when you heat up an amorphous material?

  • The disordered arrangement of the solid material can rearrange.
  • Above the glass temperature, the ability for rearrangement is high enough for it to move, and the material is called a rubber.
  • Even higher T (melting temperature) --> convert into a crystalline state, where the molecules have an ordered arrangement

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