Ice cream - Freezing point depression

5 important questions on Ice cream - Freezing point depression

How are molecular weight and freezing point depression related?

The smaller the molecular weight, the more the freezing point is lowered for the same total weight (more molecules). The freezing point depression is then larger.

How are freezing point factor and freezing point depression related?

A lower freezing point factor indicates a stronger freezing point depression.

Which component can be added to decrease the sweetness of a mixture?

Sugar alcohols. They have a lower molar mass than sucrose, so the freezing point depression ability is relatively high.
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What is freeze concentration?

When ice freezes, the solid ice pushes out the sugar. The sugar solution of the liquid water fraction (sugar concentration) increases and the freezing point decreases.

At what temperature does ice cream stop crystallising?

When the Tf is the same as the temperature of the freezer (-18C).

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