Chocolate - Chocolate milling and conching

4 important questions on Chocolate - Chocolate milling and conching

Which 3 steps are involved in chocolate making?

  • Milling
  • Conching
  • Tempering

What happens during the milling step of chocolate?

  • The solid particles are reduced in size to about 30 um. Large than 50 um will give a gritty and grainy taste.
  • Surface area of the particles increases

What happens during the coaching of chocolate?

  • The fine milled particles should not come into contact with each other and should flow past each other easily in a melted state.
  • The particles are coated with fat, so that the particles will not touch each other.
  • The smaller the particles, the more fat is needed and the thicker the chocolate becomes.
  • Solid particle paste is turned into a liquid flowable chocolate
  • Flavour development also takes place --> cocoa flavour and fat flavour are transferred into the sugar particles.
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What are the 2 parameters that determine the mouthfeel of chocolate?

  1. Particle size of the dispersed particles --> grittiness
  2. Viscosity of the molten chocolate --> flowability

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