Chocolate - HIPs

4 important questions on Chocolate - HIPs

What is the maximum packing density of homogeneously sized particles?

Cubed 64%
Hexagonal 74%

How can you increase the packing density of particles?

  • Placing different sized particles inside the void
  • Deforming the shape of the droplets into a polyhedral structure. Only possible when the particles are soft and deformable

How is a system with a higher volume fraction than the maximal spherical packaging fraction called?

High Internal Phase system (HIPs) or High Internal Phase Emulsions (HIPEs)
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Is the viscosity of a HIP system different?

No. The small particles that fill up the voids between the large particles do not have a large effect on the viscosity, since that is mostly determined by the interaction of the large ones.

It is possible to increase the volume fraction of particles while the viscosity does not increase to a large extent.

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