Ice cream - Sensory properties

8 important questions on Ice cream - Sensory properties

Which physical properties determine the sensory properties firmness on spooning and in mouth, crumbliness, scoopability?

Hardness, stiffness, rigidity, yield stress

Which microstructures determine the sensory properties firmness on spooning and in mouth, crumbliness, scoopability?

Ice content, air content, matrix viscosity

Which physical properties determine the sensory properties coldness, amount of cooling, smoothness, coarseness, iciness?

Latent heat, thermal conductivity
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Which microstructures determine the sensory properties coldness, amount of cooling, smoothness, coarseness, iciness?

Ice content, ice crystal size, air bubble size

Which microstructures determine the sensory property rate of melt?

Fat content, fat partial coalescence, matrix viscosity, air content

Which physical property determines the sensory properties: thickness, mouth coating, gumminess?

Viscosity when melting

Which microstructures determine the sensory properties thickness, mouth coating, gumminess?

Matrix volume fraction, stabiliser and fat content

Which microstructure determines the sensory property sandiness?

Lactose crystals

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