Ice cream - Textures of ice cream - Alcoholic ice cream

6 important questions on Ice cream - Textures of ice cream - Alcoholic ice cream

What are 3 problems that can occur when making alcoholic ice cream?

  1. Due to hydration effects --> proteins will aggregate
  2. Alcohol leads to denaturing of the proteins --> proteins will aggregate
  3. The solubility of the polysaccharides/sugar will decrease
  4. Not viscosity enhancing --> serum phase will change

Why is the use of alcohol in ice cream rather difficult and is the shelf-life not long?

  • Has a large effect on the protein structure (when proteins and polysaccharides are present)
  • Solubility of the sugar is decreased --> the freeze concentration of the water/alcohol phase will squeeze out the sugar that is present --> sugar crystallisation on surface of ice cream "sugar bloom"

Why do proteins in alcoholic ice cream aggregate?

  • Removal of hydration layer
  • Denaturation of proteins
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How does removal of the hydration layer effect the protein aggregation in alcoholic ice cream?

  • Alcohol changes the hydration layer around the proteins, hydration layer acts as repulsive force between proteins.
  • Alcohol added --> miscibility of the protein with the solvent will change --> alcohol binds the water molecule, prevents the water molecule to hydrate the proteins.
  • Protective hydration layer around the proteins will be reduced, repulsion between proteins less --> aggregation

How does denaturation of proteins effect the protein aggregation in alcoholic ice cream?

  • Globular proteins are hold together by hydrogen bonds within the core of the proteins between the amide groups --> tertiary structure of proteins
  • Alcohol present --> interferes with hydrogen bond --> alcohol forms hydrogen bond with proteins, this will reduce the bonds within the proteins --> looses its tertiary structure and unfolds/denatures --> aggregation

How will protein aggregates in alcoholic ice cream change the sensory properties?

  • Not available to stabilise air bubbles
  • Large protein aggregates --> gritty perception

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