Bakery products - Effect of fat addition/emulsifiers - Available fats

8 important questions on Bakery products - Effect of fat addition/emulsifiers - Available fats

What is butter fat?

  • Consists of flat crystals.
  • Because of their flat shape, the butter crystals tend to spread and layer very easily, forming flaky layers.
  • It is hard and brittle when cold
  • Melt easily

Which 2 shortenings exist?

  • Regular
  • Emulsified

What are regular shortenings?

  • Melt at high temperatures
  • Have good creaming ability
  • Used in pastries, biscuits, cakes and breads
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What are emulsified shortenings?

  • Soft shortenings
  • Spread easily throughout a batter and quickly coat the particles of sugar and flour
  • Because they contain emulsifiers, they can hold a large quantity of liquid and sugar.
  • They are often used when the weight of the sugar is often greater than the weight of the flour.
  • Their use results in a smoother and finer texture of cake with more moisture. Also used in icings.

Which 2 margarine types exist?

  • Cake margarines
  • Pastry margarines

What are cake margarines?

They are soft and have a good creaming ability

What are pastry margarines?

They are tougher and more elastic and have a waxy character. They are formulated especially for doughs that form flat layers.

What is the difference between butter and margarine?

  • Butter forms flat crystals
  • Margarine forms small fat globules

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