Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

5 important questions on Basic physical concepts in food matrices - Solid states in food systems - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

What does DSC measure?

Differential scanning calorimetry. It measures the amount of heat that is required to increase the temperature of the solid to a certain extent. It can be used to determine whether a solid is amorphous or crystalline by measuring phase transitions between amorphous and crystalline states.

What does a decrease in heat flow in DSC mean?

That heat was required to form a structure, endothermic.

Is amorphous sugar useful in food products?

  • Its surface is very reactive and can easily adsorb any flavours that are nearby
  • Unstable state and in the presence of water it will turn into a crystalline state --> amorphous sugar should have very low moisture content
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It crystalline sugar useful in food products?

No. It is more ordered, no empty sites are present for the water molecules, and any water that is present will be pushed out. As the water is pushed out, the sugar particles will start to stick together.
The presence of water will therefore often have  negative effect on the properties of sugar, as it leads to a more sticky behaviour.

What causes the cooling sensation of some sugars and sugar alcohols?

When sugars and sugar alcohols dissolve in water, energy is required to enable the dissolution process. The heat needed to dissolve the sugar leads to cooling down of the water. So when these sugars and sugar alcohols are dissolved in the mouth, it retracts heat and leads to a cooling sensation.

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