Chocolate - Phase transition: from chocolate to Ganache

5 important questions on Chocolate - Phase transition: from chocolate to Ganache

What happens when a low concentration of water is added in the chocolate?

The water will migrate into the sugar particles. System is a solid suspension.

What happens when a very high concentration of water is added in the chocolate?

W/O emulsions can undergo a phase transition to form a O/W emulsion, in which the sugar solution is now the continuous phase.

When does phase transition occur when there are no emulsifiers or proteins present?

When the ratio water and oil is 50/50
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What happens to the phase transition if emulsifiers that have a preference for an O/W emulsion (proteins) are present?

The phase transition will take place at lower water concentration

What happens to the phase transition if emulsifiers with a high oil affinity (such as lecithin) are present?

The transition will take place at higher water concentrations

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