Chocolate - Rheology of chocolate

5 important questions on Chocolate - Rheology of chocolate

By which 2 parameters can the rheological behaviour of chocolate be described?

It is a pseudo plastic material.
  • yield stress (related to the energy to start flowing)
  • plastic viscosity

By what are the parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity influenced?

  • Polydispersity
  • Size of the particles
  • Amount of fat

All influence the packing of the particles within the suspension.

How does the amount of fat influence the plastic viscosity and yield stress?

  • Increasing the fat content reduces specific particle interaction by providing more continuous phase for the particles to flow in.
  • This results in a lower plastic viscosity and a slightly lower yield stress.
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Explain the viscosity vs. Temperature progress of chocolate

  • > 37C --> molten chocolate --> viscosity determines by dispersed particles
  • Cooled to 24 C --> fat crystallisation --> increase in viscosity
  • Kept same 24 C --> viscosity stays constant, but increases when crystals grow
  • Warm up to 30 C --> crystals melt --> viscosity decreases again

Which factors determine the flow properties of chocolate?

  • Tempering --> type of ice crystals formed
  • Amount and type of fat
  • Particle size
  • Particle size distribution

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