Psychobiology of Food Choice and Eating Behaviour - Memory, food choice and eating behaviour

6 important questions on Psychobiology of Food Choice and Eating Behaviour - Memory, food choice and eating behaviour

Theories of memory: components long-term memory


What are the three types of memory?

  • Explicit memory
    • conscious effort to recover information
  • Implicit memory
    • availability of information without conscious effort
  • Procedural memory
    • how tasks are carried out (muscle memory)
    • from a conscious list of facts to an automatic/unconscious performance
    • makes it difficult to share procedural knowledge

How does memory regulate appetite?
Evidence in amnesic patients:

Multiple meal-eating in amnesia
2 amnesic patients, 8 controls, 3 measurements
  • Multiple meal-eating
  • Liking
    • Taste intact?
  • Sensory-specific satiety
    • intact
Patients cannot link the feeling of fullness with stopping with eating.
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How does memory regulate appetite?
Evidence in healthy patients:

Series of studies where memory was experimentally altered and effects on subsequent intake was examined.

You can do sth at lunch(1), at the snack part (2) or in the interval time(3) during a study 

(2) Mindless vs mindfull eating and food intake memory for recent eating

  • Memory for recent eating affects subsequent intake
  • Not memory for meals in general

How to measure food-related memory

RQ determines the instrument!
  • immediate/short-term vs delayed/long-term
  • explicit vs implicit -> overt vs covert measures
  • sensory domain

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