6 important questions on RCCP - ICPA

What does ICPA stand for?

Incremental Capacity Planning Algorithm

What are the steps taken in ICPA?

0. Intialize;
1. Plan as much and as early as possible of the job with the smallest deadline;
2. If this job fits within the time window, then go to step 1;
3. Increase cacacity an replan job;
4. Go to step 1

What is the predicence relation in ICPA?

The release date and the due date have to comply.
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How is the strive value calculated?

ESj = earliest possible starting week. Dj=deadline. This is the value you strive for if you equally distribute the work among the available weeks.

If you have the 'still to do' and 'strive value' (lambda and epsillon), how do you calculate how much to plan for job in week t?

the new planned fraction for job 3 in week 3 is 1/3. (before adding extra capacity, the planned fraction was 1/6). you started with a lambda3 of 1/2. Lambda3 (still to do) updates to 2/6, because in total you have 4/6 planned.

How is xjt normally calculated in step 1? (so, without adding extra capacity)

Either one of these 3 options.

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