Job Shop scheduling - Shifting Bottleneck

4 important questions on Job Shop scheduling - Shifting Bottleneck

In the SB what are M and M0

M = set of all machines
M0 = fixed set of machines on M

In G' = (N, A') what is
  • N
  • A'

N = same node set as for the disjunctive graph
A' = all conjunctive and disjunctive arcs corresponding to the schedules of machines in M0

Give a remark about parallel/sequenced scheduling of operations on machines M\M0 with respect to G'

May be processed in parallel.
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How do you try to reduce the makespan for the schedule of M0 ?

Reschedule machines
Consider the machines of M0 one by one in the sequence they were added. Remove the schedule and calculate a new schedule based o the earliest starting times and delays resulting form the other machines.

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