Planning decisions in healthcare - Ahmadi

35 important questions on Planning decisions in healthcare - Ahmadi

What is only provided for outpatients?

1) Primary care
2) Specialty care

What can be performed on outpatients and inpatients?

Elective surgical care

What are 4 strategic decisions for outpatient clinics?

  1. The access policy for scheduled patients
  2. Number of servers/resources
  3. Policy on acceptance of walk-in patients
  4. Types of schedules
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3. Strategic descisions

How can the access policy for scheduled patients be divided?

  • Pre-scheduled patients, scheduled in advance of the appointment day
  • Same-day (open-acces) patients, scheduled for the same day

3. Strategic descisions

What are the 5 access policy, explain

1. Traditional
Everything is booked in advance

2. Open access
All capabilities to same-day appointments

3. Hybrid
Combination traditional and open access

4. Carve out
Reserves a certain amount of capacity for specific procedures

5. Same-day or next-day policies
Books today's patients on the day they call or the next day

3. Strategic descisions

What is a downside of the traditional access policy?

Result in higher no-shows because of the longer waiting times

3. Strategic decisions

What are barriers for the open access?

Daily fluctuations in patient demand makes that there is poor resource utilization.

3. Strategic decisions

Why accept walk-ins?

Accepting walking reduces the negative effect of no-shows and improves productivity

3. Strategic decisions

What do you do?
  • Walk in rate < 20%
  • WAlk in rate > 20%

< 20%

admit when:
number of patients waiting + expected number of punctual
pre-scheduled patients < total capacity of the remaining slots

3. Strategic decisions

When is the best time to leave slots open for urgent patients?

Towards the end of the consultation session

3. Strategic decisions

What do seasonal walk-ins (weekly or monthly) show?

Outperforming other policies

3. Strategic decisions

What are is meant with offline and online schedules?

Appointments are scheduled after all requests have arrived

Patients are scheduled immediately upon arrival

Importance offline planning is growing  

What are 7 tactical decisions for outpatient clinics?

1. Allocation of capacity
2. Appointment intervals
3. Appointment scheduling window
4. Block size
5. Number of appointments per consultation schedule
6. Panel size
7. Priority of patients groups

4. Tactical decisions

Why do shorter appointment slots perform better?

Increased system flexibility

4. Tactical decisions

What do you do when:
  • standard deviation unpunctuality increases
  • mean of patient unpunctuality increases 

Standard deviation unpunctuality increases
Reduce interval size

Mean of patient unpunctuality increases 
Increase the interval length slightly

4. Tactical decisions

What does an appointment scheduling window do?

Determines how far into the future an appointment can be scheduled.

4. Tactical decisions

What happens when there is a reduction in the scheduling window?

> Decrease indirect waiting times
> Decrease no-show rate
> more efficient clinic

Downside: overly restrictive reduces the number of patients seen so reduction revenue.

3. Strategic decisions

What is the best performing access policy, and what is the best realisation of this access policy

Modification ratio of same-day and pre-scheduled + overbooking mitigates the impacts of no-shows and outperforms the rest

No period or two period hybrid policy makes no difference.

4. Tactical decisions

What do the following rules do:
  • baileys rule
  • individual block rule
  • multiple block rule
  • variable block rule

Bailes rule
2 patients in the first block, 1 patient in the other blocks leave the last block empty

individual block rule
1 patient in all blocks

multiple block rule
fixed batch of patients in all slots

Variable block rule
Variable batch size

4. Tactical decisions

What does the multiple block rule and variable block rule mitigate?

The negative effect of no shows

But when too large, patient waiting and system overtime increase.  

4. Tactical decisions

What is an approximately optimal policy for the number of appointments per consultation session?

Book as much demand on the first day of the scheduling horizon.

4. Tactical decisions

What is calling population?

Fraction of patients actually in demand of healthcare during a given period

Consequently, panel size can be larger than service capacity 

4. Tactical decisions

What happens when the panel size is too large?

  • Indirect waiting times increases > increased no shows
  • Level of continuity of care decreases

4. Tactical decisions

What are [2] type of priorities of patients, explain

Patient priorities must be met at all times applied upon patient arrivals (emergency)

Patient priorities are not applied upon arrival assigning a different weight reflecting relatively importance

  What are [6] operational descisions?

1. Allocation of patients to server/resources
2. Appointment day
3. Appointment time
4. Patient acceptance/rejection
5. Patient selection waiting list
6. Patient sequence

5. Operational descisions

What are [2] approaches?

RBA Rule Based Approach
Easy to implement heuristic, no guarantee of performance

OBA Optimization-Based Approach
Specifying optimal level for an operational decision with guarantee of performance, global optimal solution

5. Operational decisions

What are [2] important factors to be considered in the allocation of patients to servers/resources?

  • Continuity of care
  • patient preference physician

5. Operational decisions

What are [2] types of appointment time schedule?

  • Predetermined appointment slots
  • No predetermined slots, patients are scheduled anytime in the consultation session

5. Operational decisions

Based on what [3] things are patients selected from the waiting list?

  • Capacity allocated to each patient group
  • Patient waiting time
  • Patient priority level

5. Operational decisions

What is a good rule in the determination of the patient sequence?

Ordered variance
Order patients in increasing variance

6. Environmental factors

What are:
  • non-preemptive interruptions
  • preemptive interruptions  

Non-preemptive interruptions
Between consultations

Preeptive interruptions
During consultaiton

6. Environmental factors

What are [2] type of preemptive interruptions, explain

Preemptive repeat
The treatment procedure repeats from the beginning independently of the earlier service

Preemptive resume
Service resumes from the place it was interrupted

6. Environmental factors

What are:
  • Single appointments
  • Combination of appointments
  • Appointment series  

Single appointment

Combination of appointments
Multiple appointments one patient scheduled in one day

Appointment series
Multiple appointments on more than one day

7. Modelling approaches

What is single-stage stochastic programming

Optimize a problem with random objective function or constraints

7. Modelling approaches

What is a two stage stochastic programming

Formulate appointment scheduling program
  1. Descision variables are appointment times
  2. Variables are auxiliary variables 

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