MPC reference architecture framework - Applications

5 important questions on MPC reference architecture framework - Applications

What are [4] managerial deficiencies?

  1. Deficient or lacking planning functions;
  2. inappropriate planning approaches;
  3. Lack of coherence between planning functions;
  4. Planning functions that have conflicting objectives;

Considering a healthcare environment | What is an example of 1. Deficient or absent planning functions?

Overlooking the tactical level through real-time hype in combination with autonomy given to the wrong staff members.

Considering a healthcare environment | What is an example of 2. Inappropiate planning approaches?

Incorportating logistical paradigms (JIT, TQM, six sigma) without much thought.
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Considering a healthcare environment | What is an example of 3. Lack of coherence between planning functions?

Autonomous departments > functionally dispersed departments.

Considering a healthcare environment | What is an example of 4. Planning functions that have conflicting objectives?

Minimally invasive surgery results in significantly reduced length of stay in wards and improved quality of care but also increased cost and capacity consumption for the operating theatre department.

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