Job Shop scheduling - Priority Rules Machine Scheduling

23 important questions on Job Shop scheduling - Priority Rules Machine Scheduling

What is job shop?

Each job consists of m operations and there are m machines. For each job it is given in which sequence it has to visit the machines which may differ per job.

What is the definition of exact and heuristic?

Algorithm guaranteed to find the optimal solution 

Algorithm without guarantee to find an optimal solution

Why do we use heuristics for machine scheduling problems?

There is no efficient exact algorithm available therefor heuristics try to find a reasonable solution with 'small running times'
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What are the heuristics for the machine scheduling problem? [3] (also add the subproblem)

  • Constructive
    • priority rule scheduling
  • Make feasible
  • Improve feasible
    • local search

Priority rule scheduling, does SPT lead to an optimal solution can this be proven?

It can lead to an optimal schedule, which can be proven by an exchange argument.

Priority rule scheduling, what is WSPT and explain?

Weighted shortest processing time, prioritizes operations by giving them weight.


Priority rule scheduling, what is MS and explain

Single-machine scheduling with Minimum Slack.

Priority rule scheduling, MS, How is the slack computed?

See image.


Priority rule scheduling, what is SST and explain

Shortest Setup Time
Priority is determined by the amount of setup time required.

Priority rule scheduling, what is LNS and explain?

Largest Number of successors
Priority is determined by the number of successors an operation has.

Priority rule scheduling, what is SQNO and explain?

Shortest Queue at the Next Operation
Priority is determined by the queue length of the machine on which the succeeding operation needs to be performed.

Priority rule scheduling, With what should a priority rule comply?

With the objective function that is optimized.

Priority rule scheduling, What priority rule is used when due date performance is important?

EDD or MInSlack

Priority rule scheduling, What are composite priority rules, why do we use these?

Two or more priority rules are combined because multiple objectives might be present.

Priority rule scheduling, What is ATC?

Apparent Tardiness Cost

Priority rule scheduling, What rules does ATC combine?


Generation schemes, what are generation schemes?

Only specifying a priority rule does not suffice to create a schedule, a generation scheme is a mechanism by which a schedule is constructed.

Generation schemes, What are generation schemes for the machine scheduling problem?

Serial vs parallel generation scheme

Generation schemes, What are generation schemes for the vehicle routing problem?

Sequential v parallel gneeration scheme
route-first cluster-second vs cluster-first route-second

Generation scheme-machine scheduling serial

From what set is an operation added and how?

See image.

Priority rule scheduling, Why is a classification rule useful?

Due to the large number of possible priority rules.

Priority rule schedule what is static and what is dynamic, give examples? [2]

The priority value of operations do not change during the execution of the priority rule (EDD, LNS)

The priority value of operations may change during the execution of the priority rule (SST, SQNO)

Priority rule schedule, what is local [2]  and what is global [1], give examples.

Only information available about the current operation and machine on which this operation is processed (EDD, SST)

Uses information on other operations or machines (SQNO)

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